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The estimates of revenue receipts take into account the effects of tax proposals made in the Finance Bill Broadly speaking, revenue expenditure consists of all those expenditures of the government which do not result in creation of physical or financial assets.In the product method, to avoid double counting, we need to deduct the value of intermediate goods and take into account only the aggregate value of final goods and services.While in the case of domestic business all such factors belong to one country, and therefore relatively speaking depict more consistency in their value systems and behaviours; decision making in international business becomes much more complex as the concerned business firms have to take into account a wider set of values and aspirations of the stakeholders belonging to different nations.It is necessary to take into account such an expected loss while calculating true and fair profit/loss according to the principle of Prudence or Conservatism.Is there a way to take into account the earnings made by Indians abroad or by the factors of production owned by Indians? When we try to do this, in order to maintain symmetry, we must deduct the earnings of the foreigners who are working within our domestic economy, or the payments to the factors of production owned by the foreigners.Each entry mode has its own advantages and disadvantages which the firm needs to take into account while deciding as to which mode of entry it should prefer.

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